We took a regular bus that got us within about a mile of the entrance and walked to the entrance.
Near the zoo there were both the usual Israeli partly feral cats and also a lot of roosters.
We sat at the entrance for a while waiting for a bus to take us through the safari portion. This is because the animals in the safari portion are potentially dangerous so people who go through the safari section by car are told to keep their window up and no one may go through the safari portion in other than a study vehicle with window protection.
While we were waiting for the bus, a pretty friendly cat came up to us and even got on my lap for a while. The cat didn't seem to want to bother the roosters and visa versa so I consider image one to be Cat and Rooster BFF.

The fifth image shows Beth, me and one of the alpacas, interacting.

The next photo (seventh image) shows another unlikely combination of creatures. They had bears and peacocks in the same area. There were 3 different species of bears. Two of them are varieties of the Syrian brown bear which is endangered and being bred in captivity.
The peacock is just to Beth's left.
There is a bear sleeping against the rocks a bit above Beth's left shoulder. You have to click the image a few times to enlarge it. Even then the bear is the same approximate color as the rocks so you have to look closely.

After we were finished with the zoo we returned the golf cart and took the bus back to the safari entrance.
The bus went through a double secure area protected by multiple fences. This got us to the lion enclosure (last image is from a site called "Magx" with lots of images of the zoo). This image shows a female lion. Our bus stopped near a little pride of lions. The female lions were on guard and the male lions were sleeping.
We didn't feel like another long walk so we took a cab back to Beth's place after the safari zoo.
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